Jitsushinkai Karate Association. Reality and Truth


The Dojo Oath

I will strive to train my body, strengthen heart and open mind

I will face both fear and challenge, lead the way not walk behind

I will pursue the true meaning of our art to ensure my senses are alert

I will walk the path of justice ensuring clarity of thought

I will show respect for others and treat everyone the same

I will strive for calm and reason, and refrain from all violence

I will always look to wisdom to build both character and strength

I will cultivate my spirit to ensure each step I take is meant

And through the discipline of Karate, all through my life I will pursue all the virtues of Humility, Reality and Truth

Statutary Time Limit Between Grading Examinations

6th Kyu to 2nd Kyu

Gradings may be taken at three-monthly intervals.

2nd Kyu to Shodan

Gradings may be taken at six-monthly intervals.

Shodan to Nidan

A candidate must hold the grade for two years before applying for Nidan.

Nidan to Sandan

A candidate must hold the grade for three years before applying for Sandan.

Sandan to Yondan

A candidate must hold the grade for four years before applying for Yondan.

Yondan and above

Advancement to this grade will be on the recommendation of Mark Kirton.

The Grades

Yellow Belt 6th Kyu (click to view)


  1. How to fold a Karate Gi
  2. Correct way of wearing a Gi
  3. Meaning of Jitsushinkai
  4. Dojo etiquette and procedures


  1. Yoi Dachi
  2. Fudo Dachi
  3. Zentkutsu Dachi

Punches and Strikes

  1. Seiken Oi Tsuki (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan)
  2. Morote Tsuki (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan)
  3. Seiken-Gyaku-Tsuki


  1. Seiken-Mae-Gedan-Barai


  1. Hiza-Ganmen-Geri
  2. Kin Geri


  1. Stretching 4 in 1
  2. 20 push ups on knuckles
  3. 20 sit ups
  4. 20 squats

Note: Children under 16 years are not expected to perform push ups on knuckles or fingers.


3 x two-minute fights

  1. 1 x hands and feet
  2. 1 x hands only
  3. 1 x feet only
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Orange Belt 5th Kyu (click to view)

Note: Students will be tested on previous material in addition to the following:


  1. Sanchin-Dachi
  2. Kokutsu-Dachi
  3. Musubi-Dachi

Punches and Strikes

  1. Seiken-Ago-Uchi (Jodan)
  2. Seiken-Gyaku-Tsuki (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan)


  1. Seiken-Chudan-Uchi-Uke
  2. Seiken-Chudan-Soto-Uke
  3. Teisoko-Mawashi-Soto-Ke-Age
  4. Haisoko-Mawashi-Uchi-Ke-Age


  1. Mae-Geri-Chudan-Chusoko
  2. Kensetsu Geri
  3. Yojo-Geri (Chudan, Gedan)
  4. Haisoko-Mawashi-Geri (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan)


  1. Half step Seiken Jodan-Uke-Seiken-Gyaku-Tsuki
  2. Half step Seiken Chudan-Soto-Uke-Seiken-Chudan-Gyaku-Tsuki
  3. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki-Seiken-Chudan-Gyaku-Tsuki
  4. Leg block Seiken Oi Tsuki-Seiken-Chudan-Gyaki-Tsuki-Chudan-Mawashi-Geri (Haisoku & Chusoku)
  5. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki-Seiken-Chudan-Gyaku-Tsuki-Chudan-Mawashi-Geri (Haisoku & Chusoku)
  6. Haisoko-Mawashi-Geri (Chudan, Gedan)
  7. Yoko-Geri (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan)
  8. Mae-Geri-Chudan-Chusoku, Haisoku-Chudan-Mawashi-Geri


  1. 20 push ups on knuckles
  2. 30 sit ups
  3. 30 squats

Note: Children under 16 years are not expected to perform push ups on knuckles or fingers.


4 x two-minute fights

  1. 1 x hands and feet
  2. 1 x hands only
  3. 1 x feet only
  4. 1 x handicap

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Red Belt 4th Kyu (click to view)

Note: Students will be tested on previous material in addition to the following:


  1. Neko-Ashi-Dachi
  2. Kiba Dachi

Punches and Strikes

  1. Tate-Tsuki (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan)
  2. Shita-Tsuki (Chudan)
  3. Jun-Tsuki (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan)


  1. Seiken-Morote-Chudan-Uchi-Uke
  2. Seiken-Chudan-Uchi-Uke-Gedan-Barai


  1. Mae-Geri-Jodan-Chusoku
  2. Mae-Kakato-Geri (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan)
  3. Mae-Ago-Jodan-Geri (Jodan)


  1. Taikyoku-Sono-Ni
  2. Taikyoku-Sono-San


  1. Half step Seiken-Jodan-Oi-Tsuki, half step Uraken-Ganmen-Uchi-Seiken-Chudan-Gyaku-Tsuki
  2. Half step Seiken-Jodan-Oi-Tsuki, Seiken-Jodan-Gyaku swing punch, Seken-Jodan-Oi-Tsuki
  3. Leg block Seiken Oi Tsuki, Seiken-Chudan-Gyaki-Tsuki, Mae-Geri-Chudan-Chusoku
  4. Half step Seiken-Jodan-Oi Tsuki, Seiken-Jodan-Oi-Tsuki, Seiken-Chudan-Gyaku-Tsuki, Chudan-Yoko-Geri
  5. Half step Seiken-Ago-Uchi
  6. One step Mae-Geri-Chudan-Chusoku
  7. One step Chudan-Mawashi-Geri
  8. One step Chudan-Kakato-Geri
  9. One step Chudan-Yoko-Geri
  10. Chudan-Mawashi-Geri-Jodan-Mawashi-Geri (Heisoku)
  11. Hiza-Ganmen-Geri, Gyaku-Hiza-Ganmen-Geri
  12. Hiza-Ganmen-Geri, Kin-Geri


  1. 10 push ups on fingers
  2. 10 push ups on knuckles
  3. 30 stomach crunches with legs in the air
  4. 40 squats

Note: Children under 16 years are not expected to perform push ups on knuckles or fingers.

Self Defence

Self defence to be arranged by the instructor, including knife defences.


5 x two-minute fights

  1. 2 x hands and feet
  2. 1 x hands only
  3. 1 x feet only
  4. 1 x handicap

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Green Belt 3rd Kyu (click to view)

Note: Students will be tested on previous material in addition to the following:


  1. 4-in-1 exercise
  2. Box splits


  1. Tsuru-Ashi-Dachi
  2. Uchi-Hachi-Dachi

Punches and Strikes

  1. Tettsui-Oroshi-Ganmen-Uchi
  2. Tettsui-Komi-Kami
  3. Tettsui-Hizo-Uchi
  4. Tettsui-Yoko-Uchi (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan)
  5. Shotei-Uchi (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan)
  6. Jodan-Hiji-Ate
  7. Hapkido reverse knife strike


  1. Mawashi-Gedan-Barai
  2. Shuto-Mawashi-Uke (in Kokutso Dachi)
  3. Shotei-Uke (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan)


  1. Mae-Chusoku-Ke-Age
  2. Teisoku-Mawashi-Soto-Ke-Age
  3. Haisoku-Mawashi-Uchi-Ke-Age
  4. Sokuto-Yoko-Ke-Age


  1. Pinan-Sono-Ichi
  2. Pinan-Sono-Yon


  1. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, half step Uraken-Ganmen-Uchi, Seiken-Jodan-Gyaku, swing punch Seiken-Jodan-Oi-Tsuki
  2. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, Seiken-Ago-Tsuki, Seiken Oi Tsuki Hook punch
  3. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, Spinning Uraken
  4. Leg block, Seiken Oi Tsuki, Seiken-Chudan-Gyaku-Tsuki, Chudan-Mawashi-Geri-Chusoku
  5. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, Seiken-Chudan-Gyaku-Tsuki, Chudan-Mawashi-Geri-Chosuku
  6. Chudan-Mawashi-Geri-Jodan-Mawashi-Geri-Heisoku
  7. Chudan-Ushiro-Geri
  8. Leg block, Chodan-Ushiro-Geri
  9. Front foot Chudan-Mae-Geri, Chudan-Ushiro-Geri, Jodan-Mawashi-Geri-Heisoku
  10. Front foot Chudan-Mawashi-Geri-Heisoku, Jodan-Mawashi-Geri-Heisoku
  11. Front foot Chudan-Mae-Kakato-Geri, Jodan-Mawashi-Geri-Heisoku
  12. Front foot Chudan-Yoko-Geri, Jodan-Mawashi-Geri-Heisoku


  1. 15 push ups on fingers
  2. 30 push ups on knuckles
  3. 50 stomach crunches with legs in the air
  4. 60 squats

Note: Children under 16 years are not expected to perform push ups on knuckles or fingers.

Self Defence

Self defence to be arranged by the instructor, including knife defences.


6 x two-minute fights

  1. 3 x hands and feet
  2. 1 x hands only (no gloves, attacks only to body)
  3. 1 x feet only
  4. 1 x hands and feet (no gloves, no face contact)

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Blue Belt 2nd Kyu (click to view)

Note: Students will be tested on previous material in addition to the following:


  1. 4-in-1 exercise
  2. Splits left and right


  1. Moro-Ashi-Dachi

Punches and Strikes

  1. Uraken-Ganmen-Uchi
  2. Uraken-Sayu-Ganmen-Uchi
  3. Uraken-Hizo-Uchi
  4. Uraken-Ganmen-Oroshi-Uchi
  5. Uraken-Mawashi-Uchi
  6. Nihon-Nukite (me-Tsuki)
  7. Yonhon-Nukite (Jodan, Chudan)
  8. Hapkido throw punch (Mae, Yoko)


  1. Seiken-Juji-Uke (Jodan, Gedan)


  1. Gedan-Mawashi-Geri (Haisoku, Chusoku)
  2. Kensetsu-Geri (Sokuto)
  3. Chudan-Yoko-Geri (Sokuto)

Sweep Technique

  1. Ashi-Barai


  1. Pinan-Sono-Ni
  2. Pinan-Sono-Go


  1. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, spinning Uraken, Seiken-Chudan-Gyaku-Tsuki
  2. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, half step Seiken-Oi-Tsuki, Seiken-Ago-Tsuki
  3. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, spinning Uraken, Seiken-Chudan-Gyaku-Tsuki
  4. Jodan-Ushiro-Mawashi-Geri-Kakato
  5. Leg block, Jodan-Ushiro-Mawashi-Geri
  6. Chudan-Gyaku-Mawashi-Geri-Teisoku
  7. Mae-Kakato-Ke-Age
  8. Front foot Chudan-Yoko-Geri, Chudan-Ushiro-Geri
  9. One step Chudan-Gyaku-Tsuki, Chudan-Mawashi-Geri
  10. One step hook kick
  11. One step Mae-Kakato-Keage


  1. 20 push ups on fingers
  2. 40 push ups on knuckles
  3. 70 stomach crunches with legs in the air
  4. 80 squats

Note: Children under 16 years are not expected to perform push ups on knuckles or fingers.

Self Defence

Self defence to be arranged by the instructor, including knife defences and throws.


7 x two-minute fights

  1. 2 x hands and feet
  2. 3 x hands only (no gloves, attacks only to body)
  3. 1 x feet only
  4. 1 x handicap

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Brown Belt 1st Kyu (click to view)

Note: Students will be tested on previous material in addition to the following:


  1. 4-in-1 exercise
  2. Box splits
  3. Splits left and right


  1. Heisoku-Dachi
  2. Heiko-Dachi

Punches and Strikes

  1. Shuto-Sakotsu-Uchi
  2. Shuto-Yoko-Ganmen-Uchi
  3. Shuto-Uchi-Komi
  4. Shuto-Hizo-Uchi
  5. Shuto-Jodan-Uchi
  6. Chudan-Hiji-Ate
  7. Chudan-Mae-Hiji-Ate
  8. Age-Hiji-Ate (Jodan, Chudan)
  9. Oroshi-Hiji-Ate
  10. Reverse knife strike (Hidari, Migi), Uraken-Ganmen-Uchi, Chudan-Seiken-Gyaku-Tsuki


  1. Shuto-Jodan-Uchi-Uke
  2. Shuto-Jodan-Uke
  3. Shuto-Chudan-Uchi-Uke
  4. Shuto-Chudan-Soto-Uke
  5. Shuto-Mae-Gedan-Barai
  6. Shuto-Mawashi-Uke (in Sanchin-Dachi)
  7. Koken-Uke (Jodan, Chodan, Gedan)


  1. Jodan-Yoko-Geri (Haisoku, Chusoku)
  2. Jodan-Mawashi-Geri (Haisoku, Chusoko)
  3. Jodan-Ushiro-Geri


  1. Pinan-Sono-San
  2. Sanchin-No-Kata (with Ibuki)
  3. Geksai-Dai


  1. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, half step Seiken hook punch, Gyaku-Tsuki swing punch
  2. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, spinning Uraken, Chudan-Gyaku-Tsuki, Seiken Oi Tsuki
  3. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, Chudan-Seiken-Gyaku-Tsuki, Chudan-Mawashi-Geri (Haisoku)
  4. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, Chudan Ushiro-Geri
  5. Front foot Jodan-Mawashi-Geri (Haisoku), Chudan-Mawashi-Geri (Chusoko)
  6. Front foot Jodan-Mawashi-Geri (Haisoku), Jodan-Ushiro-Mawashi-Geri (Kakato)
  7. Teisoku-Mawashi-Soto-Ke-Age, Jodan-Ushiro-Mawashi-Geri (Kakato)
  8. Haisoku-Mawashi-Uchi-Ke-Age, Chudan-Mawashi-Geri-Chusoku
  9. Jodan Ushiro-Mawashi-Geri
  10. Leg block, Jodan-Mawashi-Geri
  11. One step Mae-Chusoku-Keage, Chudan-Seken-Gyaku-Tsuki, Chudan-Seken-Oi-Tsuki
  12. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, Chudan-Seiken-Gyaku-Tsuki, Gedan-Mawashi-Geri (Haisoku), Jodan-Ushiro-Mawashi-Geri


  1. 30 push ups on fingers
  2. 60 push ups on knuckles
  3. 100 stomach crunches with legs in the air
  4. 100 squats

Note: Children under 16 years are not expected to perform push ups on knuckles or fingers.

Self Defence

Self defence to be arranged by the instructor, including knife defences and throws.


8 x two-minute fights

  1. 5 x hands and feet
  2. 3 x hands only (no gloves, no face contact, hands grabbing & holding for a period of 3 seconds allowed)

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Shodan - 1st Degree Black Belt - Senpan (click to view)

Note: Students will be tested on previous material in addition to the following:


  1. 4-in-1 exercise
  2. Box splits
  3. Splits left and right

Punches and Strikes

  1. Hiraken-Tsuki (Jodan-Chudan)
  2. Hiraken-Oroshi-Uchi
  3. Hiraken-Mawashi-Uchi
  4. Haisho (Jodan, Chudan)
  5. Age-Jodan-Tsuki
  6. Toho-Uchi (Jodan)


  1. Kake-Uke (Jodan)
  2. Chudan-Haito-Uchi-Uke
  3. Jodan-Haito-Uchi-Uke


  1. Tobi-Nidan-Geri
  2. Tobi-Mae-Geri (Kakato, Chusoku)
  3. Tobi-Ushiro-Geri
  4. Tobi-Ushiro-Mawashi-Geri (Kakato)
  5. Tobi-Mawashi-Geri
  6. Tobi-Yoko-Geri
  7. Jodan-Uchi-Haisoku-Geri
  8. Oroshi-Uchi-Kakato-Geri
  9. Oroshi-Soto-Kakato-Geri


  1. Yantsu
  2. Tsuki-No-Kata


  1. Half step Uraken, Chudan-Seiken-Gyaku-Tsuki (performed in Ura)
  2. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, Seiken-Ago-Uchi, Seiken Oi Tsuki, Uraken
  3. Half step Seiken Oi Tsuki, Half step Chudan-Gyaku-Tsuki, Uraken, Jodan-Mawashi-Geri (Haisoku)
  4. Half step Jodan-Gyaku-Mawashi-Geri (Chusoku)
  5. Leg block, Jodan-Gyaku-Mawashi-Geri (Chusoku)
  6. One step Chudan-Mawashi-Geri-Chusoku, Ushiro-Geri
  7. One step Gedan-Yoko-Geri, Jodan-Yoko-Geri (Sokuto)
  8. Front foot Teisoku-Mawashi-Soto-Ke-Age, Jodan-Ushiro-Geri, Jodan-Mawashi-Geri, Gedan-Mawashi-Geri, Uraken, Chudan-Gyaku-Tsuki
  9. One step Chudan-Mawashi-Geri (Chosuko), Tobi-Ushiro-Geri
  10. Front foot Jodan-Mawashi-Geri (Chusoku), Jodan-Ushiro-Mawashi-Geri, Chudan-Seiken-Gyaku-Tsuki
  11. One step Jodan-Mawashi-Geri, one step Chudan-Mawashi-Geri, one step Gedan-Mawashi-Geri (Haisoku)
  12. One step Jodan-Mae-Geri-Chusoku, Jodan-Mawashi-Geri (Haisoku), Jodan-Ushiro-Geri, Seiken Oi Tsuki, Shita-Tsuki, Seiken hook punch, Chudan-Seiken-Gyaku-Tsuki


  1. 40 push ups on fingers
  2. 100 push ups on knuckles
  3. 200 stomach crunches with legs in the air
  4. 150 squats

Note: Children under 16 years are not expected to perform push ups on knuckles or fingers.

Self Defence

Self defence to be arranged by the instructor, including knife defences and throws.


10 x two-minute fights

  1. 1 x hands and feet against two opponents
  2. 5 x hands and feet
  3. 1 x hands only (grabbing & holding for a period of 3 seconds allowed)
  4. 3 x feet only

Note: 10 x two-minute fights is the minimum number required for this grade. Additional fights can be requested ahead of time, only with the express agreement of the instructor.


  1. Mandatory break with Seiken
  2. Optional break (student's choice)
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Ni-dan - 2nd Degree Black Belt - Senpai (click to view)

Note: Students will be tested on previous material in addition to the following:


If under 28 years of age the applicant must have had national or international competition experience. If the applicant is 28 years of age or over competition experience is not essential, although a good standard of free fighting and technical ability is required. The applicant’s character and general abilities as an instructor will also be taken into consideration.


The applicant must present a Kata containing a minimum of thirty movements, devised by the applicant.


  1. 50 push ups on fingers
  2. 150 push ups on knuckles
  3. 250 stomach crunches with legs in the air
  4. 200 squats

Note: Children under 16 years are not expected to perform push ups on knuckles or fingers.


  1. 20 x two-minute knockdown fights for seniors (no face contact with hands, holding for a period of 3 seconds is allowed). Juniors to be instructed on type by grading instructor.

Note: 20 x two-minute fights is the minimum number required for this grade. Additional fights can be requested ahead of time, only with the express agreement of the instructor.


  1. Mandatory break with Seiken
  2. Optional break (student's choice)
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Sandan - 3rd Degree Black Belt - Sensei (click to view)

Note: Students will be tested on previous material in addition to the following:


EKO, EKGB, or JKA National Referee WUKO rules


The applicant must present a Kata containing a minimum of thirty movements, devised by the applicant.


  1. 50 push ups on fingers
  2. 150 push ups on knuckles
  3. 250 stomach crunches with legs in the air
  4. 200 squats

Note: Children under 16 years are not expected to perform push ups on knuckles or fingers.


  1. 30 x two-minute knockdown fights for seniors (no face contact with hands, holding for a period of 3 seconds is allowed).

Note: 30 x two-minute fights is the minimum number required for this grade. Additional fights can be requested ahead of time, only with the express agreement of the instructor.


  1. Mandatory break with Seiken
  2. Optional break (student's choice)
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Yondan - 4th Degree Black Belt - Sensei (click to view)

Further advancement to this grade and above will be upon recommendation of the chief instructor, Mark Kirton.

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Reality & Truth

Jitsushinkai, Reality and Truth. Street Defence made easy

A new book written by Shihan Mark Kirton looking at how his training and teaching of the past 35 years has adapted and changed to fit in with modern society.

A teacher or master must teach students in a truthful, realistic manner to prepare them for what could happen in a possible street attack or altercation. This syllabus reflects what he has learned and puts into practice the lessons he has taught his students.


Easy Karate App

Jitsushinkai, Reality and Truth. Street Defence made easy

Mark Kirton, 6th Dan Jitsushinkai Karate, who has been featured in the Traditional Karate publication, brings his unique app giving you step by step instructions to making self defence easy.

Using simple techniques, each one is photographed to allow you to follow his instructions easy. Still not sure? Then simply ask Mark a question directly via the app and he will be happy to answer any questions on any of his techniques.